MacIntosh apples are vivid red brushed with bright green, oftentimes speckled with white lenticels (spots). The amount of red or green on the skin of the MacIntosh will vary depending on when it was harvested. Early season apples will have more green and later season will sometimes be almost all red. The flavor as well will vary, with the later season apples taking on a slightly sweeter taste than those picked earlier in the season. The MacIntosh apples crisp flesh is exceptionally juicy and bright white in color. When first picked the flavor of the MacIntosh apple has a strong sweet-tart taste with nuances of spice, this flavor will mellow slightly in cold storage.
Macintosh - Apples
Origin - Canada
McIntosh apples can be used cooked or raw and in both sweet and savory preparations. Add slices atop a pizza or tart, use chopped as a stuffing or puree and add to a soup. The flesh of the McIntosh apple is delicate and will breakdown when cooked. Pair with dense apples such as Granny Smith, Rome, Green Dragon or Fuji to make pie filling or slow cook to make sauces and chutney. Diced McIntosh will add sweetness and moisture to cakes, breads and cookies. Their slightly spicy flavor and juiciness makes them a perfect apple for use in juice and cider. Its flavor pairs well with maple, pecans, celery, pork, blackberries, cherries, cinnamon, nutmeg and flavorful cheeses such as feta, gorgonzola and sharp cheddar.
COVID-19 Return Policy Update
As the COVID-19 situation continues to change, we’re taking action to better serve you and our team members. We’ve temporarily updated our Return Policy, effective immediately.
In the interest of the health and safety of our Guests and Team Members, we will not be accepting product or shopping bag returns until further notice. Sarnia Produce will be doing their utmost best to ensure products packaged for delivery are always "Sarnia Produce Fresh"
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for your understanding during this time!